Turn your SpecFlow Examples into Automated Acceptance Tests

For me, one of the most important characteristics of a good test automation tool is that it does one thing very well. SpecFlow is no exception to this: it is very good at transforming human-readable specifications in the Gherkin Given/When/Then format into executable code, often also referred to as executable specifications. What SpecFlow does not… Continue reading Turn your SpecFlow Examples into Automated Acceptance Tests
Categorised as BDD

Why is BDD one of the most misunderstood concepts?

As I once tweeted, “BDD starts with collaboration, not automation”. Although its output is usually an automated test, its initial purpose is to create a shared understanding. This is exactly what many people confuse it with – they focus on its output at the end, the automation of acceptance tests. While in reality Behavior Driven… Continue reading Why is BDD one of the most misunderstood concepts?
Categorised as BDD

Introducing BDD to your team – how does it affect your role as a tester?

When your team decides to adopt Behavior Driven Development (BDD) as a software development practice, the changes that are about to happen encompass a lot more than just throwing a tool at a problem. Introducing BDD has a significant impact on the way you do your work, as well as on how you interact with… Continue reading Introducing BDD to your team – how does it affect your role as a tester?
Categorised as BDD

Accelerate Business Value Delivery with Behavior Driven Development

Business value flows from the decision to implement a feature to the execution of that feature in a production environment. Many problems can impede that delivery. I’ll cover a few of them here and show how Behavior Driven Development (BDD) can help. For more detail also take a look at my recent video. A common flow… Continue reading Accelerate Business Value Delivery with Behavior Driven Development
Categorised as BDD

6 things that will make your adoption of BDD easier

Initially I thought I would make a list of things that are required to adopt Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) successfully. But then I was thinking about the projects where we introduced BDD: if all these criteria would have been required, we should have failed with most of them. In fact I learned about some of… Continue reading 6 things that will make your adoption of BDD easier
Categorised as BDD