Contribute to SpecFlow

The SpecFlow Community Heroes program

Every month we select up to 18 community contributions.

Collaborate with us, share with our community and become a SpecFlow Community Hero.

Be part of SpecFlow, help other users shape best practices, and receive a little thank you from us!


Contribution categories

Category Example
GitHub contribution Pull request you submitted
Public speaking Meetup or Conference you have spoken at
Video content YouTube video that you published
Text content Blog, Whitepaper, Review, etc. you published
Forum activity Posts on our community forum
Social media Tweets or posts you have made

What's in It for Me?

You get featured by us and receive a $25 Amazon voucher via email.

Go for the glorified Super Hero (Hero in all 6 categories in 1 month) and you will get an extra $50.

Yes this means we have a $500 community prize pool every month!

A SpecFlow Hero publishes and shares any helpful SpecFlow related work!

  • The top 3 contributions in each of our 6 categories will be named Heroes of the month.
  • Apply with a web link to your contribution.
  • We will select the top contributions based on quality and impact of the contribution submitted.
  • You can apply for and become Hero in more than one category in the same month.
  • You can only become Hero once per category in a given month.
  • Should you not make it into the top 3 this month. You can still apply with the same contribution next month.
  • Your contribution must be no older than 3 months from publish date.
  • Your application is always counted for the currently running month.
  • The Heroes and their contribution will be featured on our website and social media.