write, download and share

SpecFlow Gherkin Editor

Get your team and stakeholders involved in drafting, discussing, and defining your Gherkin feature files – within your browser!

Edit and share Gherkin feature files
with anyone in your browser - no installation required!
Automate Gherkin scenarios with SpecFlow
for validated and always up-to-date specifications

Create an account to take advantage of all the editor features, it's free

Un­re­gis­ter­ed users
Re­gis­ter­ed users
Write Gherkin-Scenarios
Take advantage of Gherkin syntax highlighting and other features to write better Gherkin

Share your feature file
Share your feature files with other users using static links. Configurable with different access levels

Save your feature file
Save up to 25 feature files under your SpecFlow account

Feature file overview
The file overview allows you to browse and see the status of your feature files

Dark mode
Switch between dark and light mode

Gherkin assistant
Using AI, Gherkin assistant makes sure your feature file is well structured and valid

Gherkin step autocomplete
Get autocomplete suggestions based on existing steps to speed up your work and create more consistent feature files


Draft, discuss and define feature files until they are ready for automation

Edit & create feature files within your browser
Share Gherkin feature files by just sharing a link

Keyword auto-completion

GIVENSCENScenario OutlineScenarioScenario Template

Table formatting

| First | Second | Result |
| 50    | 70     | 120    |
| 30    | 40     | 70     |
| 60    | 30     | 90     |

Gherkin syntax highlighting

When I press 'add'

Download feature files

Add them into your code repository and automate them

Get everyone engaged in BDD with SpecFlow



Run an example mapping session with your team and stakeholders



Use our browser-based Gherkin Editor to involve everyone in refining the resulting Gherkin scenarios 



Download feature files and automate them with SpecFlow

Start using the SpecFlow Gherkin Editor

Get started