New Look

We have a new look!



Today marks a proud day for our team. We have put some new clothes on and used the opportunity to give our website ( a much-needed overhaul at the same time. All with the goal to give you an easier time learning more about SpecFlow and finding all the great content that our user community and us are putting out.

Specflow old Logo

So without any further ado let’s get to it.


… becomes …

With this change to our looks, we are not changing our direction. We are still and will remain your favorite Gherkin BDD framework for .Net. Just with a little less Cucumber (pun intended 😊) in our logo. Please give us some slack over the next couple of weeks as we will gradually keep rolling out these changes in the various places that you can find us at. Exciting times!

Fun trivia. Our new icon – the 3 colored play shaped triangle – resembles the three amigos (Dev, Test, PO) coming together and aligning in one direction while producing something executable – the automated tests/scenarios. Our color pallet is purple and different tones of blue because of our focus on .Net and the support we receive from Tricentis. Let us know how you like it and join the discussion on our Social Media channels #prettyspecflow.

Want to use our new logo and color schema for your content? Check out our new and updated Media Kit.